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Writer's pictureI felt it on Arran

An Arran Bee!

Made completely from fleece sourced on the island and dyed on the island with Island plants!

So this is the first felted picture that I have created using the fleece that I have been processing in my studio. To those who are familiar with my work it may look a little pale and less refined than my usual pieces ... but this is work in progress that I am sharing with you!

I have been practising with my new carder (which I am very proud to own)

This is truly a piece of art in itself. It is made by Paul Brittain in the UK (in Shropshire) and I can thoroughly recommend him if you are thinking of purchasing a carder yourself. His business is called Classic Carder

He makes carders in all sizes and after consulting with him I chose the smaller model as I am working with smaller quantities of fleece.

This little machine has heled me take rough fleece from a lumpy bundle to a beautiful carded batt.

Here is some Blue Faced Leicester fleece before and after carding:

...and here is some of that beautifully soft black alpaca fleece from Arran Alpacas before and after carding:

Now that I have some carded fleece I can start to experiment with how the fleece felts. As I still have very limited colours (I need to get some more dye baths underway!) I wanted to try a picture that I am familiar with so that I can compare.

I have made lots of bees with processed fibres that I have purchased and as I have the black alpaca fleece, some plain white carded Blue Face Leicester fleece and some fleece that I have dyed with marigolds I had the materials to try a bee!. (There is just a smidgen of grey Herdwick fleece on the bees bottom!)

I am learning from this: The alpaca fleece cards and felts really well, the Blue faced Leicester is a bit harder to work with as it is quite a springy fibre. I need some brighter yellows to really make the bee look vibrant, but I am pretty sure that will come in time. Foe now I am happy to have made a start with an initial Arran sourced bee picture!

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